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Better Camping for All Institute

Annual Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Justice and Antiracism Institute for Summer Camp Professionals, Owners, and Executives

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About the Better Camping for All Institute

What is the Better Camping for All Institute?

Better Camping for All Institute is an annual event designed to create community-centered learning and conversation spaces for professionals and executives working in summer camps. Each year, topics are carefully curated by the ACA Illinois Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Justice, & Antiracism Committee.

Why “Better Camping for All”?

ACA Illinois believes all people deserve quality camp experiences - not just those that can afford or have been historically included - but all people. Better Camping for All is a value statement used as a compass by ACA Illinois’ staff and board leaders, directing decision-making, funding, and ensuring that for any services provided by ACA Illinois. The goal is to always make it accessible and equitable for all. This work has roots in the local camp community for 75+ years, led by changemakers from within the camp community, and continues today.

The DEIAJ & Antiracism Committee named this annual institute “Better Camping for All” as a way to ensure that topic selection, location, price, engagement, and other key factors are always rooted in making the community better for all people, not just those historically included.

PART I: Animating Antiracist Ways of Being*


Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Digital Event


For people invested in transforming their institutions and ecologies to become racially just, it is critically important to understand what antiracism is and what it requires of leaders in institutions. This work includes building a shared understanding of how systemic racism operates within institutions, practice identifying its impacts, and tools for imagining solutions. The workshop is designed for institutions that want their staff as well as their leadership to build the shared framework and practice applying these frameworks to their own institutional life.

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduce a framework for understanding antiracism and what it requires of institutions and their leaders;
  • Frame systemic racism and its relationship to white dominant culture;
  • Begin exploring how systemic racism advantages white people and harms People of Color because of a socio-political arrangement we are all conditioned to accept;
  • Invite participants to grapple with how they are upholding this arrangement regardless of their intent; and
  • Begin exploring the long-term strategic work of dismantling systemic racism in institutions and society.

*Please Note: Due to the content and knowledge required for Part II, it is required participants attend Part I. Participants who are not in attendance during Part I: Animating Antiracist Ways of Being will not be permitted into Part II: Foundations for Institutional Antiracism Organizing.

PART II: Foundations for Institutional Antiracism Organizing


Wednesday, December 4, 2024 from 9:00am to 5:00pm (includes lunch)


Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago IL


In the context of an increasingly diverse and interconnected global landscape, the cultivation of an antiracist environment is of the utmost importance. As institutions continue to impact societal issues, nurturing a truly inclusive institutional culture of mutual respect and understanding will allow institutions to truly harness the organizational power of diversity.

This daylong workshop will equip participants with the tools and skills that can be leveraged in the process of building a critical mass among institutional stakeholders and working towards ongoing, significant, structural antiracist transformation.

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduce the core principles of institutional organizing and its significance in fostering collective action for antiracism efforts;
  • Analyze power dynamics within organizational structures; and identify ways to interrupt and counter oppressive power dynamics;
  • Explore the ways relationships with both internal and external stakeholders can be leveraged to foster collaboration and solidarity; and
  • Develop effective strategies that use resources efficiently to influence lasting change.

BONUS: Participants will receive a copy of the November DEIAJ & Antiracism Book Club: Reclaiming Community: Race and the Uncertain Future of Youth Work by Bianca Baldridge for free! Join us for the book club discussion here.

Application to Participate

This event is limited to one person per camp, however, a waitlist will be established for those organizations wishing to enroll more attendees. This event requires an application and acceptance. After acceptance, you will receive an invoice. Registration fee must be paid by the date listed on the invoice or the spot will be forfeited.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the space is full or 1 month prior to Part I.

Complete Application

Attendance Requirements

Participants must attend Part I to gain entry into Part II. No exceptions can be made. We ask that if a participant cannot attend both parts not apply/register as this program has been designed for a cohort to be formed during Part I and continue into Part II.

Cost to Attend

This program rate is considered on a sliding scale.

Agencies/companies with an annual operating budget of $50,000 or less

$50 per person

Agencies/companies with an annual operating budget of $50,001 - $100,000

$100 per person

Agencies/companies with an annual operating budget of $100,001 - $150, 000

$150 per person.

Agencies/companies with an annual operating budget over $150,001

$200 per person.

Rebates & Financial Assistance

ACA Illinois Visitor Crew members will receive a $50 rebate if they register, pay, and attend this training.

DFI Title XX Camping Services Partner Agencies will receive a $50 rebate if they register, pay, and attend this training.

Financial assistance requests can be made on the application.

Participants must be present at both parts of the program to receive the rebate. Only 1 rebate per DFI Title XX agency. Visitor Crew rebate can not be transferred to other individuals and must be the actual, current member of the ACA Illinois Visitor Crew.

Click here to register today!

Pre-registration is required. Walk-Ins will not be accepted. 

Location/Style of Event

This event is a live, in-person event. ACA Illinois will not record this event.

What to Bring/How to Prepare

This is an interactive, in-person training course. We suggest bringing a notebook/paper and pen for activities.

There will be a short break for lunch during the event.

The Fine Print

You must pay for this event at time of registration. If you would like to pay by invoice/check, please contact prior to registering.

By registering and attending an ACA Illinois event or meeting, virtually or in-person you are agreeing to all the event policies listed here. These policies include the photo release, refund, link sharing, Code of Conduct, and other relative policies.

Things to Know

Preregistration is required. Walk-ins and late registrations will not be accepted.

Please notify us of any food-related allergies or needs before the event, otherwise, we may not be able to accommodate your needs. Please notify us of any accommodations needed for you to attend these events prior to the events.

Parking will be included in this event and participants will be instructed on where to park prior to the event.

Register Now!

You must have a Member Profile to register for this event. If this is your first event with us, please click here to create a profile. It's free!


What is the goal of the institute?

To drive actionable change in creating spaces and communities that not only celebrate diversity but strive to reach equity, inclusion, accessibility, justice, and become antiracist.

How is the goal accomplished?

By creating a learning space that challenges adult learners to seek new perspectives and ideas while dismantling practices and policies that are exclusionary and harmful to marginalized communities.

How are topics selected?

The DEIAJ & Antiracism Committee of ACA Illinois chooses the topics and speakers based on the needs of both the camp professionals & executives AND the community served by ACA Illinois.

Why the institute?

ACA Illinois is a charitable non-profit seeking to strengthen communities through the camp experience. Through their services and programs, ACA Illinois seeks to create positive change within the community. This is accomplished by ensuring that all people, youth and adults, have access to supportive, safe, equitable, accessible, and just environments - and ACA Illinois believes camp is an excellent place to do this essential work.

Why the application?

Accessibility and equity are critical to creating a more just world. A first come, first serve process is exclusionary to those who may not have the ability to register right away. Due to the content and style of these events, there is limited space available. ACA Illinois seeks to ensure that the process for entry is as accessible as possible to ensure that all folks have an equitable chance to enroll. The goal is to leave space for as many varying organizations, agencies, and companies to participate.

Is there a waitlist?

Yes, there is a waitlist. Institutions can add additional folks to the waitlist by completing one application per person that they wish to attend.

What about weather or COVID?

In the event of increased COVID reports or inclement weather which would make travel unsafe in Chicago, the event will be moved to a digital format on the same day and time as planned. ACA Illinois can require face coverings and COVID testing during the in-person event if deemed necessary for the safety of the participants and facilitators. There will not be a hybrid option - either the whole group will be in the digital format or the whole group will be in-person.

Will this be recorded?

No. This is an interactive event program in which the content does not translate to a recorded format.

Can I have more than one person as part of Part I since it's a digital event?

No, only one person will be permitted into the event space - digital or in-person. Persons who are found “link sharing” or “projecting” the event to others who are not registered will be removed, without refund and may not permitted into future events by ACA Illinois.

The content shared during this event is copyrighted and trademarked. Sharing or recording this content is illegal.

Institute Facilitators

This year's Better Camping for All will be facilitated by Crossroads Organizing & Training.

ACA Illinois Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Justice, and Anti-Racism Committee / Better Camping for All Group

Shauna Guglielmo, Lincoln Park Zoo - Co-Chair

Annie Labus, Chicago Botanical Gardens - Co-Chair

Maria Hamman, Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago & Northwest Indiana

Peggy Aylmer, YMCA Metro Chicago / Camp Duncan

Rikki Lake, Camp for All Kids

Colette Marquardt, American Camp Association, Illinois

Kelly Ireland, American Camp Association, Illinois - Events Coordinator

Are you interested in serving on the ACA Illinois DEIAJ & Anti-Racism Committee? Let us know by emailing You do not have to be a member of ACA Illinois, or an accredited camp to join this committee.

Mailing Address:

American Camp Association, Illinois   I   PO Box 5412, Evanston, IL 60204

Mailing Address:

American Camp Association, Illinois

5 S Wabash Ave

Suite 1406

Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-332-0833



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