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ACA Accreditation

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation can best be described as a quality assurance process that camps and agencies that provide camp opportunities may participate in to verify that they meet a rigorous and standardized set of service and operational guidelines.

ACA Illinois accredited camps have completed this process with a knowledgeable, trained volunteer and camp professional, ensuring that the camp meets the National ACA Standards and is qualified to safely facilitate the programs being offered.

Why Should I Care if My Child's Camp is Accredited?

At ACA Illinois we share a common goal with parents and caregivers: to ensure the safety and positive experiences for all children. The goal of the American Camp Association Accreditation Program is to assist people with selecting camps that best meet the needs of your camper, and are in accordance with all industry standards.

Learn more about accredited camp opportunities for your child(ren).

I'm Interested in Accreditation. What Are My Next Steps?

Welcome future ACA Illinois Members! Seeking accreditation through the American Camp Association means that you and your camp/agency understand the importance of having an industry-recognized approval of your program operations and quality standards. Being accredited means that you care enough about your camp and the people you serve to undergo a thorough review of everything from staff qualifications and training, to health care procedures and emergency management.

Learn more about accreditation Membership Benefits such as access to professional development opportunities and specialized support services, or register as a member today to access your accreditation benefits!

Learn more about what accreditation is by signing up for one our free (and no obligation) information sessions below. 

Upcoming Accreditation Info Sessions

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Where Can I Find Current Accredited Camp/Member Resources?

As you know, accreditation requires ongoing implementation and administration of key aspects of camp operations, particularly those related to program quality and the health and safety of campers and staff.

Camps are responsible for reviewing accreditation policies each year. Click here for continued support of your accreditation membership.

Mailing Address:

American Camp Association, Illinois   I   PO Box 5412, Evanston, IL 60204

Mailing Address:

American Camp Association, Illinois

5 S Wabash Ave

Suite 1406

Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-332-0833



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